Second quarter 2024
Year-on-year GDP growth in the Canary Islands in the second quarter of 2024 was 3.7% compared to 2.9% in Spain as a whole.
2.9% for Spain as a whole.
On a quarterly basis, the Canary Islands’ GDP rose by 1.0%, while the Spanish GDP rose by 0.8%.
increased by 0.8%.
Year-on-year changes in GDP
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generated by the Canary Islands economy registered a year-on-year growth of 3.7% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year.
second quarter of 2024 compared with the same period of the previous year. This figure, known as the
real GDP variation, was 0.8 percentage points better than that recorded by the national economy. As of the date of
this publication, the regional statistical offices that have published GDP data for this quarter recorded
the following growth rates: Andalusia (2.8%), Navarre (2.5%), the Basque Country (1.8%) and Catalonia (2.9%).
All economic sectors recorded growth compared to the previous year, with the industrial sector standing out with an increase of 4.8%, Navarre (2.5%), the Basque Country (1.8%) and Catalonia (2.9%).
with an increase of 4.8%, followed by the services sector (3.8%), construction (2.2%), and the primary sector (2.2%).
Quarter-on-quarter changes in GDP
In quarterly terms, the Canary Islands GDP registered a rise of 1.0%, while at national level the economy experienced growth in this quarter of 0.8%.
growth in this quarter of 0.8%. The data available by Autonomous Community show the following variations
variations: Andalusia (0.8%), Navarre (0.7%), the Basque Country (0.4%) and Catalonia (0.8%).
More information ISTAC