September 2024. Provisional data
The General Retail Trade Index at constant prices adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects presented a variation of 4.1% in September with respect to the same month of the previous year. This rate was 1.7 points higher than that recorded in August.
The original series of the MCI at constant prices registered an annual change of 1.7%, which was 1.4 points below the rate of the previous month.
Monthly change in retail trade sales
The monthly change in the MCI between the months of September and August was 1.0%. This rate was six tenths higher than that of the previous month.
Results by Autonomous Community
Retail sales at constant prices rose in annual rate in 14 Autonomous Communities in September and fell in three.
País Vasco registered the greatest increase (3.6%) and Principado de Asturias the greatest decrease (1.0%).
Evolution of employment
Employment in the retail trade sector presented a variation of 1.7% in September as compared with the same month in 2023. This rate was three tenths below that registered in August.
More information at INE