Main results
The number of employed persons increased by 434,700 in the second quarter of 2024 to 21,684,700. The quarterly rate of change was 2.05%.
By sex, employment grew this quarter by 202,600 men and 232,100 women. By nationality, it increased by 304,900 persons among Spaniards – including dual nationality – and by 129,700 among foreigners.
Employment rose in the second quarter in all sectors: Services (304,000 more), Industry (63,400), Construction (61,100) and Agriculture (6,100).
Full-time employment increased by 433,500 persons. Part-time employment remained virtually unchanged (1,200 more). The number of wage earners increased by 377,100 – those with permanent contracts increased by 272,000 and those with temporary contracts by 105,100. The number of self-employed workers increased by 58,300.
Private employment rose this quarter by 427,800 persons, to 18,126,800. And public employment rose by 6,900, to 3,557,900.
Over the last 12 months employment increased by 426,300 persons, or 2.01%, (with increases of 254,300 women and 172,000 men). By sector, the largest increase was in Services (207,900 more employed).
Full-time employment increased by 359,900 persons in the last 12 months and part-time employment by 66,400. In turn, permanent employment grew by 649,300 persons, while temporary employment fell by 207,100.
Unemployment and unemployment rate
The number of unemployed decreased this quarter by 222,600 persons, to 2,755,300. The quarterly change in unemployment was -7.47%.
The unemployment rate fell by 1.02 points to 11.27%.
By sex, the number of unemployed men decreased by 109,200 and the number of unemployed women by 113,400. The unemployment rate for women fell by 1.12 points to 12.61% and for men by 93 hundredths of a point to 10.08%.
By nationality, unemployment fell among Spaniards by 166,900 and among foreigners by 55,700.
By sector, unemployment fell this quarter in all sectors: Services (190,500 less), Construction (-12,900), Industry (-9,300) and Agriculture (-7,300).
Unemployment fell by 17,600 among those who lost their job more than a year ago and increased by 14,900 among those seeking their first job.
In the last 12 months the total number of unemployed decreased by 52,900 persons (7,500 men and 45,400 women less). The annual change was -1.88%.
Unemployment fell in the last year in the sectors of Agriculture (-12,400) and Industry (-8,400), and practically unchanged in Services and Construction (-200 in each). Meanwhile, the number of unemployed who lost their job more than a year ago fell by 21,000 and the number of unemployed seeking their first job fell by 10,600.
Labour force and activity rate
The labour force grew by 212,100 persons in the second quarter to 24,440,000. The number of active women rose by 118,700 and that of men by 93,400.
By nationality, the number of active persons increased in the last quarter by 138,100 among Spaniards and by 74,100 among foreigners.
The activity rate rose by 27 hundredths of a percentage point to 58.90%. That of Spaniards increased by 23 hundredths of a percentage point, to 57.26%, and that of foreigners by 41 hundredths of a percentage point, to 69.43%. The difference between the two is mainly due to the different age structure.
In annual terms, the labour force grew by 373,300 persons. The annual rate of change was 1.55%.
Households with all active members unemployed decreased by 109,600 to 868,300. Households with all active members employed increased by 220,800 to 11,765,800.
In the last 12 months, the number of households with at least one active person in which all active persons were unemployed decreased by 50,500, while those with all active persons in employment increased by 211,600.
Results by Autonomous Community and provincial data.
The greatest increase in employment this quarter was in Andalusia (101,200 more). And the largest decrease was in Cantabria (-3,000).
In relative terms, the largest quarterly increase was in Illes Balears (16.43%).
In terms of unemployment, the biggest fall was recorded in Andalusia (-54,100). And the largest increase was in Cantabria (2,600 more).
Comunidad Foral de Navarra (7.42%) registered the lowest unemployment rate this quarter. Andalusia (16.27%), the highest.
At provincial level, a summary of the results can be accessed in this document and all the information available from this link.
Seasonally adjusted series
The quarterly variation rate of employment in seasonally adjusted terms was 0.37%.
More information at EUROSTAT