INE publishes the Industrial Price Index

Export Price Indices (IPRIX) and Import Price Indices (IPRIM) for Industrial Products
Provisional data

The annual rate of the general Industrial Price Index (IPRI) was -1.3% in the month of August, three tenths above that registered in July.

By economic destination of the goods, among the industrial sectors that had a positive influence on the evolution of the annual rate of the general IPRI, the following stood out:

Energy, whose rate stood at -6.0%, 1.1 points above that of July, due to the rise in the prices of the Production, transport and distribution of electrical energy, higher than in August 2023.
Of note, albeit in the opposite direction, was the fall in oil refining prices, compared with the increase in the same month last year.

Among the industrial sectors with a negative influence, the following stood out:

Non-durable consumer goods, which decreased its annual change by 1.0 points, to 1.7%, as a result of the fall in the prices of the Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats, which increased in August of the previous year.
The annual rate of change of the general index without energy decreased by four tenths, to 0.6%, and stood 1.9 points above that of the general IPRI.

Monthly change in industrial prices

In August the monthly rate of change of the general IPRI was 1.5%.

A more detailed analysis shows the activities that most affected the monthly rate of the IPRI in August.

Results by Autonomous Community. Annual rates of change

The IPRI registered negative annual rates in August in 12 Autonomous Communities and positive rates in the remaining five.

The lowest rates were in País Vasco (-3.5%), Región de Murcia (-3.2%) and Andalucía (-3.0%).

La Rioja (2.2%), the Canary Islands (1.5%) and Comunidad Foral de Navarra (1.4%) had the highest rates.

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