Export Price Indices (IPRIX) and Import Price Indices (IPRIM) for Industrial Products

Export Price Indices (IPRIX) and Import Price Indices (IPRIM) for Industrial Products
Provisional data
Annual change in export prices

The annual rate of the Export Price Index (IPRIX) in the month of August was 0.9%, one tenth below that registered in July.

By economic destination of the goods, among the industrial sectors that had a negative influence on the evolution of the annual rate of the IPRIX, the following stood out:

Non-durable consumer goods, with an annual rate of 3.2%, eight tenths below that of July, caused by the decrease in the prices of the Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats, which increased in the same month of 2023.
Among the sectors with a positive monthly impact, the following stood out:

Energy, which increased its variation by two tenths, to -4.7%, as a result of the increase in the prices of the Production, transport and distribution of electrical energy, higher than in August of the previous year.
Of note, albeit in the opposite direction, was the fall in oil refining prices, which rose in the same month last year.

The annual change of the general index excluding Energy decreased by two tenths of a percentage point to 1.2%, and was three tenths of a percentage point higher than that of the general IPRIX.

Evolution of industrial prices, aggregating the domestic and foreign markets

The Industrial Price Index for the domestic and foreign markets, which is obtained by aggregating the IPRI and the IPRIX, increased its annual rate by two tenths in August, to -0.5%. For its part, the annual change of the general index without Energy decreased three tenths, to 0.8%.

Annual change in import prices

The Import Price Index (IPRIM) registered an annual rate of 1.0% in August, one point lower than in July.

By economic destination, all industrial sectors had a negative influence on the change in the annual rate of the IPRIM. Among them, the following stood out:

Energy, which reduced its rate by 6.5 points and placed it at 4.5%, due to the fall in the prices of Coke ovens and oil refining and the stability of the prices of the Extraction of crude oil and natural gas, compared with the increase in August last year.
Non-durable consumer goods, with a rate of 0.1%, one tenth of a percentage point lower than in July, as a result of the fact that the prices of the Manufacture of clothing fell, while they increased in the same month of 2023.
The annual rate of change of the general index without Energy decreased by one tenth of a percentage point to 0.2%, which was eight tenths of a percentage point below that of the general IPRIM.

Monthly change in import prices

In August the monthly change of the Import Price Index was -0.1%.


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